Offers & finance.

Find out more about our latest offers and use our calculator below to see our range of market-leading finance packages.


Man sitting on the sofa in front of a white casement window

Our latest offers

Finance calculator.

Simply select the product that you’re interested in, enter the amount of money you wish to borrow and we’ll show you the options currently available. Please note our calculator is for illustrative purposes only. For a tailored quote, please arrange an appointment.

Interest bearing credit minimum loan value £2,000 and maximum loan value £50,000. Please note that an intial payment may be required upon completion of installation, with the value dependent on your repayment period.

Credit is subject to status and affordability. CR Smith Glaziers (Dunfermline) Limited, Gardeners Street, Dunfermline, KY12 0RN, FCA Register no. 738229 trading as CR Smith is a credit broker and not a lender, and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Credit is provided by a panel of lenders with whom we have a commercial relationship (so we cannot provide independent advice).

payment options.

We want everyone to get the very best for their home and enjoy the unrivalled benefits of Lorimer home improvements. Whether that’s new windows, a door or by extending your home with a Lorimer living space. Through our third-party lenders we offer a range of market-leading payment packages so you can tailor your proposed home improvements to match your budget.

Key features.


As a credit broker, the payment packages we offer through our third-party lenders are better than most banks and other loan providers. Use our finance calculator to see if you would be eligible for our other promotional rates.


Everyone gets the APR as advertised, once you are approved for the loan. They are not ‘headline rates’.


All of our payment options feature fixed rates which means your monthly payment won’t change over the duration of the loan.


Overpayments can be made to reduce the overall term of your loan.


Payment packages are applied for online so it can be done in the convenience of your own home, as part of our appointment.